On what would have been the 50th anniversary of #RoevWade, more than half of all women are greatly concerned about access to repro health services, including abortion care. #AbortionisEssential #BiggerThanRoe ywomenvote.org
#YWomenVote found that WOC bear the brunt of worries about access to abortion care in a post-Roe world:
✔️54% of Latinas
✔️56% of Native women
✔️59% of Black women
✔️62% of Asian women
Access to abortion is a #RacialJustice issue. #AbortionJustice ywomenvote.org
According to #YWomenVote, young women of color are particularly worried about their futures in a post-Roe world. They are facing a loss of freedom not seen in decades. #BiggerThanRoe #AbortionJustice ywomenvote.org
From our #YWomenVote data: 59% of Millennial and 71% of #GenZ women of color are worried, and nearly half of GenZ women of color are very worried, about access to abortion care in their communities. #BiggerThanRoe #AbortionJustice ywomenvote.org
Access to #abortion care is a #DisabilityJustice issue: 54% of disabled women are worried about access to abortion care in a post-Roe world & 66% want Congress to protect abortion access. #YWomenVote #AbortionJustice #BiggerThanRoe ywomenvote.org
Nearly 70% of LGBTQ women are worried about accessing abortion care following the Dobbs decision, and 80% want Congress to act to protect abortion access. #YWomenVote #AbortionJustice #BiggerThanRoe ywomenvote.org
A majority of women (63%) support Congress taking action to protect access to abortion care; 39% say it’s one of the most important things Congress can do. #YWomenVote #AbortionIsEssential #BiggerThanRoe ywomenvote.org
✔️57% of GenX
✔️61% of Boomers
✔️64% of Millennials
✔️80% of GenZ
believe protecting access to abortion is an important—or is one of the most important—things Congress can do. #YWomenVote #AbortionIsEssential #BiggerThanRoe ywomenvote.org
According to #YWomenVote, women of color strongly believe Congress should protect abortion access:
✔️62% of white women
✔️74% of Native women
✔️66% of Black women
✔️58% of AAPI women
✔️64% of Hispanic women
Learn more at ywomenvote.org #AbortionJustice
Young women of color think it’s even more important for Congress to act to protect abortion access. 86% of Millennial and 81% of GenZ women of color believe Congress should protect abortion access. #BiggerThanRoe #AbortionisEssential ywomenvote.org
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