Oakley Freedom

We Are Open

Your child will fall in love with the wonder of discovery, learning, and play at our Oakley Freedom Preschool. At our preschool center, we offer solid channels of communication between teachers and parents, encouragement of each child's unique learning needs, and a kid-friendly and age-appropriate space to channel each child's love for dramatic play, art and crafts, music, reading, and so much more. 

Review our health and safety guidelines here

Our center is accredited by the State of California

License No . 073401260

General Childcare: Room 1

Schedule August to May: Monday - Friday, 8:00 am – 5:00 pm

Capacity:  12 Spaces

Preschool: Room 2

Schedule: Monday - Friday, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm

Capacity: 24 Spaces

Location Gallery

1050 Neroly Road

Oakley, CA 94561


Oakley Freedom Gallery

Oakley Freedom Highlights

Happy New Year! from the YWCA, Freedom Site. Our program is located on the Freedom High School campus at 1050 Neroly Road in Oakley. 

We have a part-day, pre-school that operates Mon-day through Friday from 8:00am to 11:00am. The Head Teacher is Jacqueline Rolandelli and the Class-room Aide is Karen Sanchez. 

We also offer a full-day pro-gram in operation Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 5:00pm. Working in this classroom, we have Site Supervisor / Head Teacher, Jessica Lino with Head Teacher, Ravinder Sahota, and the Classroom Aide is Alyssa-Marie Totah. 

Our classes do not co-mingle as much as we would like due to Covid –19 but we have been able to come together for a few special days. Both classes enjoy our times together. In October we had a PJ day. November was our Handfuls Feast and in December we did all things ‘Gingerbreadman’. 

The theme for January is Diversity. We will be focusing on what makes us similar and what makes us differ-ent. We will delve into different cul-tures by exploring cultural foods, mu-sic, and clothing. We will spend a week learning about Martin Luther King, Jr. 

In February we will learn about Presi-dents, the USA, and friendship. It will all be quite an adventure to see where it takes us as we enjoy our time together. 


Meet Jessica Lino - Head Teacher / Site Supervisor


Hello! My name is Jessica Lino. I have been working with children for the past 40+ years. I have an AA degree in Child Development and hold a Site Supervisor permit. I started working in preschool and taught kindergarten for 10 years in the private sector in Concord. I am married to my husband, Steve and we live in Antioch with our two children, Steven and Tiffany. My hobby is scrapbooking.

Hola! Mi nombre es Jessica Lino. Tenga 40+ años trabajando con niños. Tengo mi Diploma Asociada en el Desarrollo de los Niños y tengo un permiso del estado de supervisadora. Empece mi carrera de maestra hace 10 años. Fui maestra de Kinder y Pre-escolar en Concord. Estoy casada con mi esposo Steve. Vivimos en Antioch con nuestros dos hijos, Steven y Tiffany. Mi pasa tiempo favorito es album de recortes.

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