Childcare Centers COVID-19 Guidelines

Childcare Center Coronavirus COVID-19 Guidelines 

Health Checks of Staff, Children and Visitors:

Daily Health Checks of children and staff:

Children and staff must stay at home if they are sick until a fever and other flu-like symptoms have been gone for 72 hours (3 days) without the use of medicine. 

  • Staff and parents will be required to review the following written questionnaire daily upon arrival/check-in and confirm.
  • Do you or your child live with anyone or have you or your child had close contact without use of PPE with anyone with a prolonged cough, fever, or flu-like symptoms? or with anyone who has been diagnosed with COVID-19 within the last 14 days? 
  • Do you or your child have a fever, cough and/or shortness of breath? For children, fever is 100.0 degrees for forehead thermometer, 99 degrees or higher with armpit thermometer or 99.5 with oral thermometer.  
  • Do you or your child have any other signs of communicable illness such as a cold or flu? 
  • Have you or your child experienced diarrhea or vomiting (within the past 24 hours)?

Consistent groups of children and providers:

  • Each class will be in a separate classroom and not mix with other classrooms. Between uses of these common area’s equipment will be cleaned and sanitized.
  • Teachers will remain solely with one group of children (not move from group to group or room to room). Support staff will be assigned to a group as needed based on ratio and safety considerations. 

Meal Service:

  • Breakfast, lunch and snack will be provided at each center.
  • We will no longer be having Family style meals. Children’s plates will be pre plated for the children. Staff will make each child’s plate for him/her and bring the plate to the table. 
  • Students with special dietary needs: will try to accommodate and offer family to provide any supplemental items as needed

Sign In/ Sign Out:


  • The goal is to limit outside interaction beyond the site staff and children.
  • Parents/Guardian will sign in /sign out their child in at door, limiting outside persons in classroom.
  • Program Director will develop an efficient check-in and check-out system and individualized to each center.
  • Parents/guardians must present valid photo ID at check-out.
  •  Parents will provide phone number where they can be reached each day if it is different from the Emergency contact list on file.


Personal Belongings:

  • Children’s and staff’s personal items/coats will be kept separate from each other in children’s cubbies or staff lockers.
  • Napping items will also be kept in their personal cubby separate from other children’s.
  • Each child’s bed will be placed 6 feet apart and will alternate head to foot. 


Signs of Illness during Program:


Children will be monitored for signs of illness throughout the day including:

  • Headache or tiredness, unable to participate in routine activities or need more care than staff can provide.  
  • Fever with behavior changes, difficulty breathing, uncontrolled coughing, unusually tired, persistent crying, etc. 
  • Open sores, rash, signs of infection, etc. 
  • Runny nose with colored mucus
  • If children are exhibiting any of the above symptoms, they will be physically separated from the group and will be required to wear a mask until pick-up. Parent or Guardian must pick up immediately.
  • Children should wear a child-sized mask if available and willing. The staff supervising the child will also wear a mask.
  • Parents/guardians are required to and must agree to come pick up their child without delay if they are exhibiting these symptoms.
  • After pick-up, the room will be sanitized by the staff and may be re-used the same day as needed.
  • Cleaning staff shall follow guidance for “sick room” cleaning in CDC Environmental Cleaning and Disinfection Recommendations for Schools and Workplaces. Staff supervising the child shall properly remove gloves/mask/over shirt, wash their hands and may return to their group.
  • Sanitization & cleaning of classroom where sick child or staff were present: the room should be sanitized and cleaned, items touched by the sick person removed and sanitized. Once cleaned and re-stocked as necessary, the room may be re-used the same day or the following day.
  • Staff will self-monitor for signs and symptoms of illness. If staff are exhibiting any of the above symptoms, they will be required to wear a surgical mask and sent home as soon as possible. At each drop off Parents/Guardian will provide phone number or way of communication for that day. 
  • Sick children will remain home until they are without flu-like symptoms and/or fever without the use of medicine for at least 72 hours (3 days).
  • During this time at home, parents and staff should seek medical care immediately if symptoms become more severe; cover cough with sleeve or tissue; keep tissues and “no touch” trash cans close by; wash hands often and keep soap dispensers filled; clean frequently touched surfaces routinely; and if desired the ill person can wear a face mask if coughing or sneezing.


Infection Control Measures by staff:


  • Children and staff should wash hands frequently with soap and water before and after eating, drinking, toileting or diapering, touching eyes/nose/mouth, and physical contact with each other.
  • Staff will clean high-contact areas and surfaces frequently, using 10% bleach solution or EPA-approved disinfectant, including counters toys, telephones, and doorknobs. This will take place throughout the day.
  • Staff and children should practice good respiratory hygiene including coughing/sneezing into sleeve and covering coughs with crook of elbow or tissue (and throwing tissue away and wash hands). Education for children will focus on handwashing, not touching face, and social distancing as much as possible.
  • Masks will be provided for staff and children 3 years old and older. Masks will be additionally available in the sick room for child and adult to wear.


 Facilities and Cleaning: 

  • All sites will be equipped with cleaning and sanitation supplies, including hand sanitizer, disinfectant spray (Clorox premixed), Clorox disinfectant wipes and disinfectant / bleach solutions, and gloves.
  • Common areas, such as outdoor play structures, will be cleaned and sanitized between use by different classroom.
  • Shared toys will be sanitized throughout the day.
  • Play Structure will be disinfected before and after use


·       Common shared areas will be disinfected throughout the day and every evening. Which include but not limited to all furniture in lobby areas, staff and children’s restrooms, doorknobs, garbage cans, tables and counters. 


Best Practices: 


Administrators and staff will make every effort to implement best practices as defined by the California Department of Social Services (CDSS) including: 

  • Review all updates from CDC, CDSS and local public health on guidance for childcare centers
  • Screen all Staff/children/family/any visitors before entry
  • Keep a log of Screenings
  • Self-screen at home before coming to work
  • Stay home if showing or experiencing any sign of sickness
  • Post signage of COVID 19, risk assessment and preventative measures
  • Restrict activities and visitors, including volunteers and parent tours
  • Require children to handwashing upon arrival each day
  • Clean and disinfect frequently
  • Implement social distancing best practices including no hugs or shaking hands
  • Maintain Social Distancing of 6 feet
  • Wearing mask and PPE at all times

Keep emergency contact information up to date

Pre-Enrollment Registration Here
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