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Aug 01, 2024
A woman is standing in front of a yellow background.

This content is provided for voter and community education only.


The issues below are critical to women – particularly women of color’s – economic security. Women hold the overwhelming majority of caregiving responsibilities in the U.S., and that combined with a lack of pay equity means millions of women find it difficult to remain in the workforce or lose jobs because of caretaking necessities.

Child Care

  • Voters across party lines care deeply about access to quality, affordable #ChildCare and connect that access to having a strong economy. #YWomenVote #GOTV

  • State agencies & legislatures, governors, and the federal government each hold the decision-making power around investments in the #childcare industry. #YWomenVote #TheMoreYouKnow💫

  • Our YWCA is proud to provide critical #ChildCare services to the community. We are paying close attention to the ways investments and cuts could impact our work in 2025 and beyond, and we hope you are, too. #YWomenVote #GOTV #TheMoreYouKnow💫

  • DYK: Based on federal data, the median salary, $30,370, for #ChildCare workers is less than the median salaries of delivery drivers, retail shopworkers, and pet sitters? 

    That's just $309 above the OPM #poverty line for a family of three with one child.

    #YWomenVote #GOTV

Paid family and medical leave

  • @BPC_Bipartisan: 82% of registered voters support paid family & medical leave policies to keep workers from the impossible choice between caring for a family member or one's own health or welcoming a new child and a paycheck. #PaidLeave #YWomenVote #GOTV

  • DYK: #PaidLeave is a racial justice issue. Women of color - particularly Black and Hispanic/Latinx women - are much less likely to have access to paid family and medical leave to care for a loved one, themselves, or to welcome a new child. #YWomenVote #GOTV #TheMoreYouKnow💫

  • Sans #PaidFamilyAndMedicalLeave, Black women lose $3.9 billion/yr. in wages when they take time from work to care for their health, provide care, or welcome a child, so many don't or can't take the time they need. 

    More from @AmericanProgress:


Paid sick days

  • Great: #PaidSickDays access has⬆️for women across the board over the last decade. 

    Not great: Most low-income workers must still choose between their own or a child's recovery from illness and keeping food on the table. #YWomenVote #GOTV


  • Access to #PaidSickDays is key to racial justice and a critical component to addressing the harmful impacts to women of color cause by the long legacy of occupational segregation.

    #YWomenVote #GOTV #TheMoreYouKnow💫

    Learn more from @NelpNews:

  • Many #PaidSickDays policies that have been implemented in cities and states around the nation include #SafeDays, which are critical for survivors of abuse to escape violence and to seek care and treatment. More from @WithoutViolence & @NPWF: #YWomenVote #GOTV

Pay equity

  • The #YWomenVote Midterms 2022 survey found that 76% of women voters – across party lines – believe #PayEquity should be a high priority for elected officials. #GOTV

    More: (Stay tuned for NEW DATA in September!)

  • DYK: Women of color must work well into this year - even through November for Native American women 🤯- to earn the same as a white, non-Hispanic man last year? See all of the #EqualPayDay dates here:

    #YWomenVote #GOTV #TheMoreYouKnow💫

  • The already stark #GenderPayGap is further compounded by the #RacialWageGap - meaning that women of color must work much longer into 2024 to earn what a white, non-Hispanic man earned in 2023. Why? Long legacies of deeply entrenched gender and racial discrimination.



  • Sexual violence reaches all communities and gender identities. But, compared to other races and ethnicities in the U.S., indigenous women are 2.5 times more likely to be victims of rape.

  • Communities of color, LGBTQ+, and the disabled community experience disproportionate rates of #IntimatePartnerViolence. Entrenched legacies of discrimination are major contributing factors, and the solutions differ between groups. Learn more: #YWomenVote

  • #YWomenVote Midterms 2022 national survey found that a staggering 80% of #GenZ women of color shared that investments to combat #GenderBasedViolence were a top priority.

    Check it out here and stay tuned for new national survey results in September:

  • Supporting the survivor community is central to the work of YWCA - in fact, 78 associations in 34 states provide critical intimate partner and sexual violence support services. We are proud to work alongside this powerful network to continue advocating for survivors. #YWomenVote


Racism is a Public Health Crisis

  • DYK: The legacy of racial discrimination and research exclusion in medicine (and many more factors) in the U.S., Black women have a⬆️risk of dying from stroke, cardiovascular disease, and some cancers than any other racial or ethnic group. #RacismIsAPublicHealthCrisis #YWomenVote

  • DYK: The ever-growing stack of undeniable evidence of racial discrimination and disparities in health care led @CDCgov to officially declare racism as a public health threat. #RacismIsAPublicHealthCrisis #TheMoreYouKNnow💫 #YWomenVote

  • Women writ large didn't gain #VotingRights in 1920: Discriminatory state laws kept women of color, including Indigenous, Chinese, and Black women, disenfranchised until #VRA1965 (and some remain disenfranchised to this day). #TheMoreYouKnow💫#YWomenVote

  • New #YWomenVote national survey data is coming this September! In the Midterms 2022 findings. #GenZ women of color named safety from police violence and racial violence as top concerns - we wonder what the new data will reveal. #GOTV


In California, voters can register on Election Day and in many more states, deadlines can be anywhere between a month to two weeks ahead of November 5.


Here is where you can register to vote or learn more about voter registration in the State of California.

Our Blog

A poster for hispanic heritage month with two women smiling
01 Oct, 2024
Join us at YWCA Contra Costa as we celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month! 🌟 Discover the rich cultures, traditions, and contributions of the Hispanic community through engaging activities, inspiring stories, and community gatherings. Let's honor our diverse heritage together! #HispanicHeritageMonth #YWCAContraCosta
A woman is standing in front of a yellow background.
01 Aug, 2024
Explore YWomenVote2024 by YWCA Contra Costa / Sacramento, addressing key issues affecting women's economic security, particularly for women of color. Learn about the challenges of caregiving responsibilities, pay equity, and workforce participation.
A poster for pride month with two women hugging each other
04 Jun, 2024
Celebrate Pride Month with YWCA Contra Costa / Sacramento as we honor and showcase the inspiring journeys of LGBT+ leaders who have shaped history. Discover their stories of courage, innovation, and advocacy for equality. Join us in recognizing their remarkable achievements and celebrating the enduring spirit of Pride Month together.
a group of women standing next to each other with a sign that says women's history month
20 Mar, 2024
Join us in celebrating Women's History Month 2024 at YWCA! Explore our empowerment programming focused on women's financial independence, especially for women of color. Discover inspiring stories like Jazmine Wildcat's advocacy for ending violence against Native women and her impact on Native American communities.
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